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26th Indonesia's Foreign Ministry confirmed that North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN is not attending the Bandung Conference held in late April inIndonesia 60 anniversary. According to Indonesia's compass newspaper websitereported that ā dí yà tè wéi dí 26th Indonesian Foreign Ministry officialsaid North Korea, Chairman of the Permanent Committee of the SupremePeople's Assembly, Kim Yong Nam, on behalf of Mr Kim to attend thecommemorations. However, he said, the country has been looking forward toKim Jong UN, to change his mind, "the event was still nearly a month away,everything was rearranged during this period. ”
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Louis Vuitton Outletid="ouHighlight__12_12TO35_36" paragraphname="paragraph2" srcinfo="12:12" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">to the media, confirmed that theIndonesian side has invited leaders from many countries, including Kim Jong-UN attended the Bandung Conference 60 anniversary, attracted wide attention.Due to Kim Jong-UN has not yet been taken out of the country since coming to power in December 2011 in diplomatic activities, speculation that Kim Jong-UN or stage of the Wannsee Conference Memorial as a diplomatic debut,interaction with the leaders of neighboring countries. Japan's Jiji said27th, Indonesia and North Korea have been on good terms, so that Kim Jong-UNwas speculated to be present at the Wannsee Conference Memorial. If you missthe appearances, Kim Jong-UN is expected to attend the May 9 Russia 70 anniversary of the victory of World War II commemorations to be held.
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id="noHighlight_0.685121794231236" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;"> 21stsenior officials, Ministers, government leaders meeting held in Jakarta on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th at the Bandung Conference held in Bandung Asia-AfricaBoulevard, Independence Hall for the celebration activities.